Restaurant -Unfair to Cavemen? (Keego Harbor)
Reply to: mailto:hous-429857568@craigslist.org?subject=Restaurant%20%20-Unfair%20to%20Cavemen%3f%20(Keego%20Harbor)Date: 2007-09-23, 11:57AM EDT
These idiot owners continue to try to climb on the back of the last restaurant at their location.
Francis & Kim Stanton
In each news article since they opened (it only took 15 months for the buildout) They continue to disparage the previous proprieters and customers of Schoopers. Stantons say they converted it from the cave that it was, (They took out the rear window and replaced it with a solid door)? Referred to Schoopers as "a toxic-looking ... drink-and-drown kind of place that stank"
They were never there when it was open?
Schoopers had a loyal crowd of people from all lines of work, a long history of great food and friendship.
If you think these people need to deal with their own business and SHUT UP Let them know @ (248) 681-4231 1535 Cass Lake Road Keego Harbor, MI, 48320