Reply to: see belowDate: 2007-09-09, 10:22PM
If you want any peace of mind....do not waste your time and apply for any position at this restaurant. The owner is demeaning, and abusive to her staff.
She sets you up for failure and will verbally abuse you in front of other employees. She claims "she has bigger fish to fry"....And fry you She will!!!!
She should be turned over to the better business bureau for her behavior, and threats of non-payment of wages.(competitive-My ass!)
If you make a mistake....she will try to tell you "peel potatoes, and onions" on your own time....Restaurant jobs are a dime a dozen, and no amount of money (even if paid?) will make up for the hell you endure for working for this woman.
Just a word to the wise!!!!
· Location: Keego Harbor
· Compensation: Barely!!!! If any!
· Location: Keego Harbor
· Compensation: Barely!!!! If any!
Kim & Francis Stanton
1535 Cass Lake Road, Keego Harbor, MI 48320
(248) 681-4231
I am sure that any mature adult understands that running a business is not easy. That you take great financial and personal risks. Especially in this economy and especially in the public sector. You are open to all sorts of criticisms. Sometimes employees cannot perform the specific tasks that they tell you they are capable of and may lash out in anger for their lack of skill. It is unfair to make libelous allegations anonymously on the internet. If there were true grievances they should be pursued through proper channels to bring about a remedy. The opening of any restaurant has a certain amount of attrition until the staff becomes cohesive. My apologies to the disgruntled former employees who choose this venue to air their complaints. Instead of using the internet to make an attempt to ruin our reputation I encourage them to forward their complaints to the proper authorities so that a civilized remedy may be realized. All I can do is turn the other cheek and wish them the best in their future endeavors.
I am sure that any mature adult understands that running a business is not easy. That you take great financial and personal risks. Especially in this economy and especially in the public sector. You are open to all sorts of criticisms. Sometimes employees cannot perform the specific tasks that they tell you they are capable of and may lash out in anger for their lack of skill. It is unfair to make libelous allegations anonymously on the internet. If there were true grievances they should be pursued through proper channels to bring about a remedy. The opening of any restaurant has a certain amount of attrition until the staff becomes cohesive. My apologies to the disgruntled former employees who choose this venue to air their complaints. Instead of using the internet to make an attempt to ruin my reputation I encourage them to forward their complaints to the proper authorities so that a civilized remedy may be realized. All I can do is turn the other cheek and wish them the best in their future endeavors.
A disgruntled former employee is attempting to libel us and ruin our business through lies.
It is my opinion that if this person had a legitimate grievance it could be satisfied through other channels.
This post is detrimental to our business, our family and the families of the employees that we support.
Is there a legal authority that we can contact?
If there is please contact us immediately.
Lies???? You lie to yourself in thinking you can treat people like that, and be a succesful business.You use another business's parking lot for your employees to park,endangering them of getting hit on the bridge at night.When the business calls to redeem the trade you complain and offer them left over cold mistake food. You tell your employees that they will only be paid for 1 hr for a shift if they have not clocked out on your stupid un-reliable computer system..that you screwed up.That is illegal per the DLEG!Another lie? Check you files!Have ALL those former employees been paid at all? I find it funny that you can single out a disgruntled "employee" as far as I know there are several comments from several different people, including people who NOT employees, but were also guests in you restaurant.Legal authority a threat? Freedom of speach.Next time you should think twice about what yuou say to whom...They are all talking about you!
You have nothing if you do not have respect for your staff.They are the ones who build your clientele, You have damaged your own reputation-
Who on earth asks for legal advice on a blog that criticizes them? You have a flare for the drama.
The Police Came
I can only say that the experience I had at Modern was one for the record books. The owner/chef came to our table, enraged and confrontational because a salad with shrimp was sent back because the shrimp were undercooked, and gelatinous. The chef/owner lectured and tried to intimidate the person that sent the dish back, shouting that she knew nothing about shrimp. Prior to this, we had waited over forty five minutes before any soups or salads came out, and had to ask for some bread , which was stale, and brought out without any butter or plates. The restaurant was not crowded at the time. After waiting over an hour and fifteen minutes for our entree to come, we decided to pay for the food that was brought and cancel our entres, because of the unreasonable time it took, and partly because this kind of an enraged owner/chef might do anything to the food.
After the server was told we wanted to leave and pay for what we ordered, the police were called by the owner. After discussing the matter, with both sides, the police agreed with us that payment for the food and drinks that were consumed was reasonable. But behind the officer's back the owner/chef silently mouthed "asshole" to us, with a perverse smile on his face. This was a birthday party, and the person whose birthday it was recommended the restaurant. The entire scenario with the police was in full view of the entire restaurant.
Great Artists and famous chefs are sometimes temperamental. The owner/chef of Modern is not great enough to have such an attitude, but even if he was, as an owner, he should have the required temperament, instead of being aggressive, hostile, and confrontational.
I have had the steak before, as a carryout. It was good. The food we were served before we left was only mediocre or below.
I would never step foot in that place again, and would urge likewise for anyone I knew.
from the minute we walked in to the offensive smell, to the time we left the offensive owner, staff, service and food, this was among the worst experience at a restaurant we've ever had. we had previously enjoyed modern, and something changed in the last month. the waiter was inept and rude and the owner was disinterested, defensive and useless. congrats, you lost another customer because you can't provide food, service or attitude, an the place smells bad!
Basically, this place sucked. Surly waiter, lousy service (appetizer and salad served together, then no main course for 45 minutes, and 1 order completely wrong with no apology from waiter) Spoke to owner/chef she had no interest in even attempting to apologize our satisfy us in any manner. We will NEVER patronize this restaurant again, and I would urge everyone I know to never go to this restaurant. Very close to our worst dining experience EVER, and we eat out 4 nights a week, 52 weeks a year.
I just got fired from Modern yesterday by their 21 year old "manager" (or the nice girl that stays in the front of the house so Kim doesn't explode at her customers and ruin her business). And you know what, I did own my own restaurant for the last 4 years so unfortunately Kim you can't tell me I don't know what it is like to put my time, money and effort in to mine and my employee's livelihood. We all have a bad days. We all have long days, but never in my life would I ever dream of speaking to my employee's or customers the way you do. You are out of line. I no I am just another disgruntled employee bashing a perfect angel. Well I am just going to speak the truth. The food is amazing. The people that serve are knowledgeable, polite, and extremely tolerant. Kim you are a snide, nasty, rude, insecure woman. If a guest is not satisfied with a dish the servers are to tell the guest that there is nothing we can do about it because that insults the chef.(most places would kindly do whatever they can make the dinning experience right)
As Kim's employee's I can only speak for my self and my experiences. I would ask Kim how she would like something done and her response was to get the hell out of her kitchen and ask my god damn trainer.(my trainer had only been there for about 3 weeks.) Then she made a point to come out an hour later to let me know she doesn't have time for my petty shit when she is busy, so stay out of her way. It was a slow day. So when I stay out of her way and ask my trainer about my employee meal, she said I can get the item I asked for but would have to pay full price. So I do, and then my boss comes out with the employee manual, slams it on the table and tell me to read. "This says you must ask permission" So I reply "But Kim you just told me not to ask you anything and to ask my trainer." Apparently on my 3rd day I am supposed to know when to ask Kim and when to as the girl that has been there for 3 weeks. So I told Kim "Listen I have been here for 3 days and may not know everything, but every time I ask you a question you snap at me and I don't appreciate being spoken to that way" She walked away without saying a word and the next day I was fired. Anyways that was just great because I would rather get genital herpes than work there another day, and already have been hired at a much nicer establishment that I start next Monday. If you cared so much about others "livelihood" or even if you cared about your own livelihood you would realize you get a lot more with sugar than shit. You don't have to like your employee's or your customers but you do owe everyone the same respect you demand of yourself.
I will never set foot in your establishment again. Nor will any of my friends or family. I would imagine neither will Nicole's or anyone else you have treated like that. Also I imagine the guests that you have yelled at and chased out of your establishment will have some people to tell. So get this clear... I wish you and Francis the best and would never want anyone to fail at their dream. But unless you take a serious look at where you are headed, a diamond in the rough great restaurant, will soon turn in to another empty building in need of a tenant.
You can say I don't know what i am talking about because one of my restaurants failed, in fact that means I know exactly what I am talking about. You only get one shot. Don't blow because you have to much pride. We are happy for your accomplishments, but that doesn't make you any better than anyone else. It certainly doesn't give you the right to treat people the way you do.
Please comment on my blog at
My girlfriend just quit her job as a waitress at Modern. She has been a waitress for 12 years and at multiple alcohol serving establishments. She has taken all necessary training courses to do so. Upon being hired at Modern, the agreement was that she would train for 3 days and then become a full waitress. Shortly after the 3 days Kim changed her mind... she decided that any new waitresses (and my girlfriend) would have to train 3 weeks and take 3 4-hour internet classes (paid for by the employee). This was an intentional lie; A bold misrepresentation merely to hire a new person. While training, my girlfriend should have tecnically been making a small hourly wage (at least above minimum wage), rather she made the standard waitress wage and averaged $15 per 5-hour shift. She was paid tips late (yes, even these terribly small tips) and emotionally abused for the few weeks she worked there (my girlfriend does NOT have thin skin). Finally, she made the decision to move on and seek new employment. Out of spite she showed up on what would be her last day, in full Modern dress, and quit five minutes before her shift. 10 days later my girlfriend called to verify that her paycheck was ready (on the appropriate payday), Kim said she'd have to look for it in the office... she'd have to find out if it was produced... "I'll get back to you in a timely manner. I'll call you sometime next week." -her exact words. My girlfriend threatened legal action. Kim said "I know you don't have an attorney. You don't have enough money." I called my friend... 2 hours later he had Kim on the phone. She agreed to have the check ready on the next payday.
Needless to say these few things:
1. I will never eat at any establishment owned or operated by Kim Stanton or any of her relatives.
2. I am absolutely confident that her business will fail. I hope it is soon.
3. It would appear that Kim has some sort of mental health issue that has thus far gone untreated. I hope she finds treatment and some sort of inner peace before she dies.
I worked there for 8 weeks back in '09 until CRAZY Kim fired me for standing up to her. She called me a deadbeat Dad because the courts contacted her with my child support withholding request, which is normal after a period of unemploymen. She belittled me in front of the entire kitchen because she tends to blast anyone in her line of sight when her Lithium dosage falls low. Her bipolar mood swings and antagonistic personality makes every day a living Hell.
During my brief employment I witnessed several guests get kicked out of the place because they asked for food to be returned for improper prep, roaches too numerous to count after bug bombs and the revolving staff roster because nobody could stand her violent moodswings.
In conclusion, this woman needs Thorazine and a good fuck.
Smells like ass, and Kim is a psycho bitch from hell!
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